"Network stability is the foundation for every smart home. It’s not just a nice to have, it’s a requirement." - Jamie Lee Corpuz, Marketing Communications Specialist with Pakedge
Whether you spend a little or a ton on an AV system or a smart home system, its performance is only as good as the network it runs on. Would you buy a high performance Lamborghini sports car and fill it with unleaded regular gasoline? Of course not, but that is exactly what you do when you use the basic plain ol modem/router/wireless unit that your internet provider suplies you with. Unfortunatly the only time you think about your network is when you lose connectivity, or when your system doesn’t work the way you thought it would. But this is exactly why the network matters. The more devices you connect, the smarter your home is, and the more important your network becomes.
If you’ve ever experienced lower than expected download speeds, poor quality video streaming, your connected devices just don’t seem to work well, etc...then you’ve likely experienced a network break down. Ironically, most people don’t realize it’s a network issue, and they falsely blame the AV system or the device for the problem. An enterprise grade network is the “secret” ingredient in pro AV and smart home installations.