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Media Room vs Home Theater

 MEDIA ROOM vs THEATER ROOM... Do you know the difference?

        In comparing a media room to a dedicated home theater, there is one main difference that sets them apart. A Theater room is designed to replicate a cinema experience and that is it, while the flexibility of a media room is more practical for people who want to do more than sit in the dark and watch movies. Simply said... a Media room is used for multiple activities while a Theater room is simply used for one activity.

The term media room has evolved into a generic definition for a multipurpose space. It gives you a more social experience! Friends congregate there to watch the big game. Families go there to watch a movie together. It's party central when guests visit! Things such as bowling alleys, Golf Screens, Pool tables, Movie screens, Bars, etc... have all been used in a media room set up and the possiblities are quite endless!

The Show Stoppers!

 CEDIA is the international trade association and central touchpoint for 3,500 member companies that represent every facet of the ever-evolving technology market. The expo places you at the epicenter of the furture in home experience and lets you experience the intrigue of how it is all connected! 

Halloween and Home Automation

 There was a time when the term "home automation" made you think of a friendly robotic maid buzzing around the house, cleaning, doing laundry, and cooking meals. 

 Robots have indeed started to pop up and are starting to play a role in our lives at home. But the reality of home automation in the 21st Century is quite a bit different than what was thought of in the post-World War II era. Instead of a robotic hub, home control is centralized in the palm of our hands! 

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