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iSS is a VisionArt dealer!

We are proud to announce that we are now a dealer for VisionArt Galleries! You may be asking yourself, what is VisionArt? Well we can tell you that…

VisionArt Galleries provides a solution that helps conceal a flat screen television. Their products are custom made and manufactured by expert craftsmen in the USA. VisionArt offers a wide range of styles and price levels, allowing customers to customize and build their very own television concealment system.

At iSS we take it a step further by providing exceptional insight on how and what will look best in your home. We help you from beginning to end, making sure everything looks and works exactly the way you want it. Check out the video below on our most recent install of a VisionArt concealment system.

If you have been thinking about wanting to display something more than the TV, call us at 865-690-0154. We would be happy to help offer you better life solutions.

Earth Day!

Guess what day it is? Mike...Mike, guess what day it is??? Not only is it hump day, but today is also Earth Day! Instead of just planting a tree or going with the motto of reduce, reuse, and recycle; adopting a green lifestyle at home is an important part of the global drive to protect the environment. Learning how to be green at home is one of the easiest ways to make a meaningful contribution to the Earth!

Check out our green living tips below:

1. Heating:

HVAC systems account for almost half the energy usage in the home. To reduce your energy uses consider setting your thermostat a couple of degrees lower in winter and a little higher in summer. Delaying the point at which your heater or air conditioner kicks in cuts down on your energy use. Or having a programmable thermostat can be highly effective in conserving electricity because they can be used to run air conditioning and heating systems only when they are truly needed.

Also, proper maintenance will keep your HVAC system running at peak efficiency as well. Furthermore, weather stripping windows and doors will provide insulation and reduce the need for heating or air conditioning.

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Commercial Services, Part 3

We have discussed commercial security, automation, and lighting control. This last blog is all about our commercial services with boardroom technology, digital signage, and networking.

A company's boardroom is a crucial component in any office. It gives clients a first impression of your establishment and serves as a common area for ideas and innovation to flow. If a company has an outdated boardroom, their capabilities become seriously limited. It is important to make sure your space is updated to accommodate today's technological demands and capabilities. We can help you provide to your employees and clients a great meeting space. From video conferencing, to a possible training area, all with easy use of your whole boardroom space with one remote. Every office deserves a great boardroom. 

Also, a lot of businesses these days are beginning to discover the many uses of digital display technology. Digital signage/video walls are a great way to get a particular message across - whether for advertising, selling or information display – chances are you want a solution that does a lot of the foot work for you. These high impact displays can certainly pack a visual punch, but equally, they serve as an effective business tool, and can strengthen a range of operations within your business.

Digital signage/video walls can be changed in a flash so you will always be able to bring announcements to your audience ASAP. Before, you would have to design poster displays, have them made, spend a decent amount of money, and have it displayed in enough time that it is still relevant. Digital display technology allows you to change your message instantly, and pass along news, events or sales at a moments notice.

Lastly, what is more frustrating than unreliable networking devices? Not much more. That is why we want to talk to you about the solution. iSS can take your business networking system and give you a professional system overhaul. No more wondering which cords goes for this and that device, and why things are often running slowly. If have your office has a questionable networking system, we can transform it into a seamless system. This upgrade can translate into improved coverage and speed giving you the freedom to use your devices where you want and when you want.

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Commercial Services, Part 2

In last week’s blog we talked about how commercial security could give a business owner peace of mind knowing their property and employees are safe and secure. This week we want to discuss how some automation can help with the daily office tasks in a business.

Commercial automation for a business can be a simple or complex system; it all depends on the business owner and what they want. For example, as a business owner, you could disarm your security system, unlock the door, and turn on the lights all by one touch of a button on your smartphone. Furthermore, you could even adjust the HVAC unit to the optimal temperature while you are in or out of the office. Not only can automation can help a business owner manage their office remotely from any smartphone or iPad, it can also help manage energy efficiency of the office, too.

For instance, shade and lighting control can tie into your automation system very easily, and help with energy savings. If you have an office with many floor to ceiling windows, shade control can help maintain the heat/cooling of the office without constantly turning the HVAC unit temperature up or down. Also, lighting control motion sensors can help with energy savings as well, but lighting control can go beyond just turning on or off a light.

While still being energy saving conscious, lighting control can help create ‘scenes’ for certain areas of your business office. For example, you showcase your company’s work on the wall; why not create an illuminating scene for when guests and potential clients come in. Make your work noticeable and eye catching.

Also, many office waiting areas are either too dim or too bright, creating a dungeon like area or a stark clean hospital welcome. Well, if you have a waiting area; why not create an inviting and warm welcoming scene with lighting control!

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